Wednesday, December 6, 2017

2nd Grade News & Notes
December 1, 2017
Dear 2nd Grade Families,

I hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving! We have had a great week back! We even had some snow to play in at the beginning of the week. As we begin to have real winter weather, remember that students need snow pants, jackets, hat, gloves or mittens and boots. You are welcome to leave things here through the week and we can send them back on the weekends if that easier to remember. A change of clothes is always good to have as well. This can stay in cubbies or backpacks, whatever is more convenient. This is helpful as clothes may get wet at recess and sometimes that’s uncomfortable for kids to have on the rest of the day.
Next Friday is an early release day, and students will have lunch in the classroom. Please be sure you send in your lunch slip (going home today) if your child will be getting LUNCH or MILK from school by Wednesday. If your child needs MILK to go with their lunch from home, please fill out the slip and just circle MILK. Thank you!
This week we spent some time reviewing our expectations as we always do after a longer break. We talked about how we can be respectful, responsible and safe in the classroom and in other parts of the building.
In Readers’ Workshop we reviewed all the things that readers do when we come to a tricky word. Readers can: look for a smaller word inside the word, check the picture and think what would make sense, use what’s happening in the story, look through the whole word part-by-part, look at vowel teams and try different vowel sounds, and think about what the words mean. We finished our latest read aloud, Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets! We have read three Marty McGuire books and hope that Kate Messner writes more!
In math we have been working on adding bigger numbers! We learned what the word multiple means and we added multiples of 10 to two-digit numbers. We looked for patterns on the 100s chart and used the 100s chart as a strategy for solving addition problems.
We all got new word study words and also learned about adjectives this week as well!
Mr. Melen came for Skills For Growing on Thursday and we read a story called The Recess Queen and talked about how to be a good friend at recess and include others. We also brainstormed what we could do if a friend was making us feel left out.
We have some things coming up in December, here are some dates to remember…
  • Friday, December 1: The coupon book fundraiser is finished today. If you haven’t sent the envelope back in please do as soon as possible. If you don’t want to purchase the book, you can just send it back with the envelope.
  • 2nd Grade is doing the assembly on December 5 at 8:10, we will do announcements, a greeting and an activity! Each grade is tasked with leading the assembly and next week it’s our turn!
  • Friday, December 8- Early dismissal at 12:30. Please fill out the form if your child needs a bagged lunch or just milk and return it by Wednesday, December 6.
  • Friday, December 15- Winter sing-along at 1:30 in the gym.
  • Winter Break- December 25-January 1

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Have a wonderful weekend!
